All About Striped German Tomato: Test, Recipe, Plant Guide & Everything!

Tomato is one of the most popular and most eaten foods in the world. Though generally all the tomatoes feel and look the same, there are a lot of variations in tomatoes. They vary in taste, in color, in looks and in shapes. Striped German tomato is also one of these variations.

These kinds of tomatoes have many differences from normal tomatoes. Here in this article, we will try our best to make you familiar with these tomatoes.

So, if you are also a person who is interested to know more about these tomatoes, then yes, you are absolutely at the right place to know them. To know more please go through the whole article.

We hope we can cover all of the most important questions related to striped German tomato and help you with enough information.

What is a Striped German Tomato?

These are some kind of tomatoes or you can also say them as fruits, which are yellow to red in color. Their size varies from medium to large.

The interior has a marble effects. The color and shape looks bright and beautiful. The texture is smooth and the flavor is complex and fruity.

Striped German Tomato Size

Striped German Tomato Plants produce beautiful and orange to red tomatoes that are huge .They are normally 1 to 2 pounds each. These tomatoes are going strong for many decades.

Striped German Tomato


They have a pleasingly quirky shape. They Also looks gorgeous when sliced. Many farmers grow these Plants organically and guarantee them to arrive alive and thriving.

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Striped German Tomato Seeds

The German tomato has some tiny seeds inside and there are a lot of them. Farmers collect them and store them. Later, they sell these seeds so that people who want to produce them organically can use them.

Striped German Tomato Height

Since the striped German tomato plant is a 4- to 6-foot tall, deep-rooted plant. So if you want to grow these plants, be sure to pick a bucket that is at least 18 inches deep. If you are short on space, a 5-gallon bucket easily accommodates this plant.

Striped German Tomato Taste

Striped German tomatoes are famous for their unique flavor profile combining a rich, creamy sweetness with a fresh and a tangy bite.

The taste of this tomato is crisp and zingy – almost spicy. Yet it is not overly acidic which we might expect from a green tomato. The complex, fruity flavor and smooth texture makes the Striped German Tomato a customer favorite for all the time.

Striped German Tomato History

This specimen of the tomatoes raised at the Binaghi family farm some 28 miles from Union Square, is a highly seasonal fruit, The Striped German’s life is short and uncomplicated.

It begins in New Jersey’s Bergen County in mid-April, when the Binaghis plant its seed in their greenhouse. In mid-May, they transfer the eight-inch plant from the greenhouse to the field, where it sits, undisturbed, until the fruit is fully ripe.

Some time between August and mid-October, one of the Binaghis will pick the Striped German and pack it into a box for a truck ride into Manhattan.

Then, it will wind up on a Greenmarket stand or on the menu of a restaurant like the Upper West Side’s Tele pan.

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Is a Striped German Tomato Determinate or Indeterminate?

As an indeterminate tomato the striped German tomato keeps growing until cold weather kills it or – in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11 – sends it into dormancy.

Striped German Tomato Recipe

A lot of people consume these tomatoes as fruit and some even like them as juice.

But their best and most common use is a pasta sauce. To make pasta sauce from these types of tomatoes, you should Place the tomatoes in a food processor and process until coarsely chopped.

Striped German Tomato Recipe

For a more textured sauce, crush the tomatoes by hand.

Striped German vs old German Tomato

The history of Striped German tomato are still at the Johnny’s Selected Seeds, who intro deuced it and the history of Old German tomato is still at the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, who introduced it.

They are not the same variety but they look and act alike as do way over 100 other red or gold bicolor tomatoes. Sometimes better than other tomatoes as we can see it.

Plant Guide

A five gallon plastic paint buckets available from home improvement stores or frosting buckets from grocery store bakeries make excellent tomato containers.

The Healthy tomatoes require excellent drainage. Drilling four to six evenly spaced half inch holes in the base of your plastic bucket provides it.

Then, you should fill your bucket one-half to two-thirds full with soil. Right after planting, water the tomato until water drains from the bucket’s drainage holes and place it in a shady location for two days while it recovers from transplanting. During the very hot weather, bucket-grown plants may need daily water.

Benefits of Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps nourish the adrenal glands and reduces stress.

Tomatoes protect cardiovascular health. They are rich in potassium, which is known to lower blood pressures.

Organically grown tomatoes tend to be higher in lycopene, a kind of carotenoid that plays a role in the prevention of cancer.

Heirloom tomatoes are a good source of vitamin K which is necessary for healthy, strong bones. Heirloom tomatoes like striped German tomato add tremendous flavor to your cooking yet are low in calories.

Final Thoughts

So in brief ,to summarize, we can say that the striped German tomato are a special variation of tomatoes which has been around here for a long time. Their looks and unique flavor also made them appealing to everyone. A lot of people like them as they are organic. Besides, they are one of the best selling products in their category.

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